”You need to lower your expectations.” That’s what the principal at my high school told me when I asked for a place to change before gym class. That sentiment was repeated many times, in other places, by other people.
”Det var inte hela världen (men det var tråkigt ändå)” [It wasn't the end of the world (but it still hurt)] originally started as part of an application portfolio. But it quickly grew into a passion project, and a way to process past experiences and find my own ground to stand on.
I competed with this short film in the FRAME Sörmland short film competition and won the Film i Sörmland Honorary Award. The jury’s motivation read:
”With a unique visual language, a brave and powerful story is told about standing up for oneself. This year's honorary award goes to 'It Wasn’t the End of the World (But It Still Hurt)' by Mika Hyvönen.”